Consider Volunteering Your Time to
Support Our School

The mission of Holy Disciples Catholic School Home and School Association is to develop programs, opportunities, and funding to support and connect the school community. Our Schools are both blessed and enriched through parent participation!

Home & School Association Programs


We hope that you will consider volunteering at one of the Home and School Association (HSA) events this year. There are several different programs available for you to consider:

  • Silent Auction
  • Lyman Orchard Pies
  • Wreath Sale
  • Raffle
  • Secret Santa Shopping Day
  • Book Fair
  • Father-Daughter Dance
  • Mother-Son Bowling
  • Spirit Day
  • Golf Tournament
  • School Carnival
  • Middle School Semi-Formal
  • Butter Braid, Chocolate & Spice Sales
  • Breakfast with Santa

More Resources for Families

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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a great way to meet people, to have some fun and to help our students. There are a number of opportunities throughout the year.

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School Calendar

Stay up to date on the latest happenings, including events that you can get involved in. Review our calendar to never miss a beat!



With your support, our school can remain vibrant in the community so that students can continue to benefit from the ideals of Catholic education.