Application & Enrollment Forms for New Students
Thank you for your interest in Holy Disciples Catholic School!
We can’t wait to welcome your student into our school family.
Please ensure the following paperwork and documents are completed online or
turned into the school office to enroll your student for the upcoming school year.
Online Forms: to be completed on FACTS website
o Online Application Apply Today
o Online Enrollment Packet (to be completed once notified of acceptance)
Please note: You will be required to upload a birth certificate for the student
you are applying for as well as proof of Baptism (if Catholic). A Registration
Fee of $250 is required to be paid for each student at time of enrollment.
Google Forms: will be emailed to you by our school administrator prior to the
start of the school year
o School Bus Registration
o Middle School Only: Permission to Walk Off Campus
Paper Forms:
Please print, complete, and turn in to the school office prior to your child starting school.
Extended Day (BeforeCare and AfterCare) Program Registration Form
Permission to Release Records Form
Please print, complete and turn in to school nurse prior to your child starting school.