Grades Pre-K - 4

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Holy Disciples Catholic School provides the finest in Catholic elementary education. Our vibrant, innovative, integrated curriculum is designed to encourage students in PK through Grade 4 to experience joy in tackling increasingly challenging academic opportunities. No matter where students are when they come to us, by the time they leave, they will have mastered the skills they’ll need to excel in middle school and beyond.

The philosophy of Holy Disciples Catholic School Elementary centers upon student-centered learning, community, service, and worship.

Our school provides an environment that fosters the intellectual development of each child within the context of a traditional curriculum and an innovative enrichment model.

We encourage hopeful young people who will face the problems in our society with creativity and leadership.

Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4

Pre-Kindergarten is a critical time for children as they begin the adventure of a lifetime of learning. Every day your child is learning and doing more, which is why the Pre-Kindergarten program is designed to be challenging and fun.

Our Goal 

Our goal in Pre-Kindergarten is to teach the whole child by providing a nurturing, secure environment in which learning can take place. In the Pre-Kindergarten program, we seek to educate the mind, the heart, and the will. Recognizing that each child is made in the image and likeness of God, our teachers focus on giving personal attention to each child through developmentally appropriate methods, and within high academic standards. We promote independence in an organized atmosphere, as it is increasingly important for children to be their own thinkers. We also teach children to work well within a group through listening, sharing and cooperation. These early learning years are important; a time when good habits are developed and character formation begins.
Early character formation occurs through young students forming habits like self-control, generosity, and respect of others. Our Pre-Kindergarten programs provide structure, academic foundation, study of the Catholic faith, and leadership opportunities. Children learn to lead by example, and will experience many opportunities to build self-confidence. Strength lies in virtue as well as in academic performance. Our students are taught the value of faith, virtue, and service to others as a complement to a strong academic curriculum.


Full day PK program is 8:30 am - 2:20 pm


Half day PK program is 8:30 am - 11:35 am


Elementary Program: Grades K-4

Our aim and purpose is to provide a caring and safe atmosphere in which students enjoy learning and developing their unique God-given talents.

Our Goal

We seek to instill in students organizational skills and study habits that will apply to all aspects of their lives and to challenge the students to integrate acquired knowledge, skills, and experience to solve problems using a variety of resources. We strive to foster within the students a sense of personal responsibility for academic work and for the completion of various tasks, thereby developing self-confidence.

Academic success in the later years depends on having a good foundation in reading, writing, speaking, and math. These subjects are the core of the primary curriculum. Cross-curriculum teaching and integration of subjects unifies the primary grade learning for the whole child and recognizes each child as a unique gift from God with their own gifts and talents. Religion is taught as a core subject and integrated into all aspects of curriculum.

Interested in Taking a Tour of Our School?

Schedule a personal tour for you and your child to see the classrooms, meet the teachers and get a feel for student life.

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Pre-K & Kindergarten Application

Review the application process and apply to
our school today.

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