Providing Extra Support to Students with Diverse Learning Needs

Intervention strategies for students who may struggle in the classroom can make a difference in a student's academic success. Our school provides students with what they need instructionally to become confident and independent learners.

Our approach to intervention stems from our commitment to develop the gifts and talents of all students. Opportunities and resources are woven within the curriculum and the school day.

Strategies include targeted instruction, one-to-one support, push-in assistance, and pull-out special education intervention. Intervention is designed to strengthen a student's skills to achieve their own unique potential.

Available Programs & Resources

Schoolwide Enrichment

Our Schoolwide Enrichment focus creates learners who are empowered to meet challenges and solve tomorrow's problems. Our approach includes:

  • Personalized methods of learning and expression
  • A strong standards-based curriculum infused with general exploratory activities
  • Group learning leading to small group projects and service based initiatives

Enrichment Clusters

Groups of students who share common interests form the centerpiece of our enrichment clusters. These groups work with an adult who has expertise in the student's interest area to develop and produce a product or service. This hands-on approach is:

  • Interest-based to engage students

  • Student-driven and focused on solving real world problems

  • Proven to develop critical thinking, problem solving, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and teamwork skills

Schedule A Tour or Shadow Date

Schedule a tour and shadow date and see how Holy Disciples Catholic School is the right fit for your child!

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Learn More About Our School



We support the continuous improvement of student achievement, as our curriculum was designed to not only meet, but exceed state and national standards.


Tuition K-8

Learn about the tuition rates per child and what tuition assistance is available, including grant and scholarship opportunities.


Application Process

If you're ready to have your child apply to our school, read more about the application process and apply today.